Visit to the library today, will write fiction soon

I checked out Julie Powell’s book Julie & Julia. Am also current reading President George W. Bush’s Decision Points and am about halfway through it. Also placed an order at the library for Julia Child’s book My Life in France.

Came very close to checking out a book on my current reading list: Karen Robards’ Shattered. I love what I have read about this book, but a very quick skim reveals it looks like it might be along the lines of a trashy romance novel. Will try it out in a week or so to see how it works. Besides, I’m curious to see if there is a way to write love scenes in a tasteful way or if I should give only what is absolutely necessary for the plot. I wonder because one current project includes a man snared into a trap through the oldest trick in the book–a voluptuous woman who happens to be his type; he has gone without female companionship for some time and foolishly gives in.

So much reading and writing to do…

Richard Zowie is a writer who knows you have to read a lot to develop into a good writer. Post comments here or e-mail them to