Finding an old friend

While going through some boxes and moving, I found a book I’d misplaced while moving to Michigan back in 2004:


On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

No, I haven’t read everything King’s written and have no plans to read It, but it’s a book I’ve found very beneficial as far as writing goes. My lifestyle now mirrors King’s lifestyle before he started selling novels, so it’s something that motivates me.

The book was also a fifth anniversary gift from my wife, Jennifer, and it includes a very sentimental, very personal, G-rated note in it.


We’re in the process of moving, which is why I haven’t posted in a few days. Yes, I suppose there’s a tad bit of laziness involved. Lord willing, in a few weeks the home offices will be completely relocated.

It’s funny…we’ll still live in Arbela Township and have amenities pertaining to Millington, Michigan, but our physical address will be Birch Run.

Don’t ask–it’s a Michigan thing.